
Tony Soter 東尼 索特

Tony and Michelle Soter founded Soter Vineyards in 1997 on an unwavering commitment to their ideals in farming and craftsmanship. Their story picks up in California in the ‘80s and ‘90s where they both built successful, diverse careers in the wine business.

Tony Soter gained recognition in California as the founder of Etude Wines, and consultant to luminaries such as Araujo, Shafer, Spottswoode, and Dalla Valle. He has demonstrated a genius for crafting award-winning wines over his four decades of innovative winegrowing. Michelle Soter had over 20 years of advertising and marketing experience. However, it was her ardent and abiding convictions in environmentalism, organics, biodynamics, nutrition, and holistic living that drove the business at Mineral Springs Ranch, creating an environment of endless possibilities.

 Working together, they consistently produced wines of the highest caliber in a way that treads softly on the earth. Their values are conveyed through respectful farming and craftsmanship that allow a unique voice to emerge from these ancient soils and temperate climate. 

After years of diligence, they accomplished one of their ultimate goals in 2013, converting their 240-acre property into a certified biodynamic farm and haven for growing world-class wines. Certification was achieved in 2016. In addition to being mindful stewards of the land, they provide an unrivaled workplace, sustaining a compassionate team that makes Soter Vineyards what it is today.

In 2019, Michelle Soter passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Her work lives on at MSR where Tony continues to model their business on natural systems, be it farming, winemaking, business development, or human experience.


Tony 和 Michelle Soter 於 1997 年創立了 Soter 葡萄園,堅定不移地致力於他們的農業和手工藝理想。他們的故事發生在 1980 年代和 1990 年代的加利福尼亞州,在那裡他們都在葡萄酒行業建立了成功且多元化的職業生涯。

托尼·索特 (Tony Soter) 作為 Etude Wines 的創始人以及 Araujo、Shafer、Spottswoode 和 Dalla Valle 等名人的顧問而在加州獲得認可。在四十年的創新葡萄種植生涯中,他展現了釀造屢獲殊榮的葡萄酒的天才。米歇爾·索特 (Michelle Soter) 擁有 20 多年的廣告和行銷經驗。然而,正是她對環保主義、有機、生物動力學、營養和整體生活的熱情和持久信念推動了礦泉牧場的業務發展,創造了一個充滿無限可能性的環境。


經過多年的努力,他們在 2013 年實現了最終目標之一,將 240 英畝的土地轉變為經過認證的生物動力農場和種植世界一流葡萄酒的天堂。認證於 2016 年獲得。 除了認真管理土地之外,他們還提供無與倫比的工作場所,維持一支富有同情心的團隊,使 Soter 葡萄園成為今天的樣子。

2019 年,米歇爾·索特 (Michelle Soter) 在與癌症進行了長期勇敢的鬥爭後去世。她的工作一直延續到了 MSR,托尼繼續在自然系統上模擬他們的業務,無論是農業、釀酒、業務發展還是人類經驗。

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