
Oxana Mahnac 奧克薩娜·馬赫納克

Oxana Mahnac was born in 1970 in Nizhny Tagil, a large industrial city in the Urals, where she grew up on the border between Europe and Asia. She completed her studies in 1990-95, at a time of great social change in Russia.
Her diploma from the Academy (1995) was called "Element Woman".
In the almanac of the 50th anniversary of the institute (2009) with the best students in the history of the institute Oxana Mahnac was presented with pictures of her work.

Personal changes brought her to Germany in 1996. She now lives with her family in Berlin.

Art has accompanied her since early childhood: like every child, she painted. Later attended music school. And then she began to purposefully study painting at the art school with the world-famous exlibris master E.Bortnikov, working on techniques and developing skills.

She works in different techniques and styles and is inspired by the sensual relationship. The beauty of the human form but not perfection, converting experiences and feelings into an image to make viewers think.

With her own, too often alternative, vision of the female realities of a wife, mother and rapidly growing and talented artist. Her depictions of people, some of them abstract, are in great demand and offer an opportunity to enrich the imagination.


奧克薩娜·馬赫納克 (Oxana Mahnac) 1970 年出生於烏拉爾地區的一座大型工業城市下塔吉爾 (Nizhny Tagil),她在歐亞邊境長大。 她於 1990-95 年完成學業,當時正值俄羅斯發生巨大社會變革。
她的學院畢業證書(1995年)被稱為“Element Woman”。
在學院成立 50 週年(2009 年)年鑑中,學院歷史上最優秀的學生向 Oxana Mahnac 展示了她的作品照片。

1996 年,由於個人的變化,她來到了德國。她現在與家人住在柏林。




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