
Claire Desjardins 克萊爾·德賈丁斯

Claire Desjardins is an award-winning abstract painter based in Gore, Quebec and Sarasota, Florida. 

Claire exhibits her paintings in galleries across North America. Her work can be found in both private and corporate collections worldwide.

“My art is about building beautiful, joyful connections with the natural world.”

Claire grew up in Montreal and spent most of her summers in Vermont, the Green Mountain State. Her country home as a child was nestled in 60-acres of untamed boreal forest. Creativity in her household was encouraged. Great art was revered. Claire’s success as a fine artist was a celebrated rite of passage.  

“I believe a keen understanding of color and its relationship to people and nature creates more beautiful places to live, work and play.”

Claire’s paintings, though abstract, take their visual cues from forms, colors, textures and patterns in nature: the feathers of a bird, the shades of turquoise in the water, how the light through the trees dapples on the ground below.   

Beyond the canvas, Claire’s art transforms commercial and residential interiors, urban exteriors, housewares,  furniture, package design and women’s apparel. Her work has appeared in major motion pictures and popular television shows. Claire’s long-standing corporate collaborations shape and define the customer experience – most notably for retail North American retail giant Anthropologie. 


克萊爾·德賈丁斯 (Claire Desjardins) 是一位屢獲殊榮的抽象畫家,居住在魁北克省戈爾和佛羅裡達州薩拉索塔。 



克萊爾在蒙特婁長大,大部分夏天都在綠山州佛蒙特州度過。她小時候的鄉間別墅坐落在 60 英畝未開墾的北方森林中。她家裡的創造力受到鼓勵。偉大的藝術受到尊崇。克萊爾作為優秀藝術家的成功是一個著名的成年儀式。  



除了畫布之外,克萊爾的藝術也改變了商業和住宅室內裝飾、城市外觀、家居用品、家具、包裝設計和女裝。她的作品出現在主要電影和流行電視節目中。 Claire 的長期企業合作塑造並定義了客戶體驗——尤其是北美零售巨頭 Anthropologie。 

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