
Mark Aubert 馬克·奧伯特

Mark Aubert, a luminary in California winemaking, has carved out a name synonymous with excellence and precision. His journey began in the vineyards of Sonoma County, where he developed an early fascination with grape growing and winemaking. Mark's path to becoming a master winemaker was shaped by mentorships with some of California's most revered vintners and a relentless pursuit of perfection.

After earning his degree in Viticulture and Enology from Fresno State University, Mark honed his craft at renowned wineries like Peter Michael Winery and Colgin Cellars. It was during these formative years that he honed his expertise in crafting Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, varieties that would become his signature.

In 1999, Mark Aubert launched his eponymous label, Aubert Wines, focusing on small-lot, single-vineyard wines that showcase the unique terroir of Sonoma and Napa Valley. His meticulous approach to winemaking emphasizes meticulous vineyard management, careful selection of barrels, and a commitment to minimal intervention in the cellar. These practices ensure that each bottle of Aubert wine reflects the purest expression of its vineyard origins.

Mark's wines have garnered widespread acclaim for their opulence, complexity, and seamless balance. Critics and collectors alike praise his Chardonnays for their rich, creamy textures and vibrant fruit flavors, while his Pinot Noirs are celebrated for their finesse and elegance.

Beyond his technical prowess, Mark Aubert is admired for his unwavering dedication to quality and innovation. He continues to push the boundaries of winemaking, constantly seeking new ways to elevate his wines while staying true to the vineyards that inspire him.

Today, Aubert Wines remains a benchmark for California Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, with each vintage representing Mark Aubert's commitment to producing wines of unparalleled beauty and distinction. His story is one of passion, perseverance, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence in every bottle.


馬克·奧伯特 (Mark Aubert) 是加州釀酒界的傑出人物,他的名字成為了卓越和精準的代名詞。他的旅程始於索諾瑪縣的葡萄園,在那裡他很早就對葡萄種植和釀酒產生了濃厚的興趣。馬克成為釀酒師的道路是由加州一些最受尊敬的葡萄酒商的指導和對完美的不懈追求塑造的。

在弗雷斯諾州立大學獲得葡萄栽培和釀酒學學位後,馬克在彼得·邁克爾酒莊 (Peter Michael Winery) 和科爾金酒窖 (Colgin Cellars) 等著名酒莊磨練自己的技能。正是在這些成長的歲月裡,他磨練了釀造夏多內和黑皮諾的專業知識,這些品種後來成為他的標誌性品種。

1999 年,馬克·奧伯特(Mark Aubert) 推出了他的同名品牌奧伯特葡萄酒(Aubert Wines),專注於小批量、單一葡萄園的葡萄酒,展示了索諾瑪和納帕谷的獨特風土。他一絲不苟的釀酒方法強調一絲不苟的葡萄園管理、精心挑選的酒桶以及對酒窖最少干預的承諾。這些做法確保每一瓶奧伯特葡萄酒都體現了其葡萄園起源的最純粹的表達。




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